Source code for flexlogger.automation._test_session

from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Callable

from grpc import Channel, RpcError

from ._flexlogger_error import FlexLoggerError
from ._test_session_state import TestSessionState
from .proto import (
from .proto.TestSessionState_pb2 import TestSessionState as TestSessionState_pb2

    TestSessionState_pb2.TEST_SESSION_STATE_IDLE: TestSessionState.IDLE,
    TestSessionState_pb2.TEST_SESSION_STATE_RUNNING: TestSessionState.RUNNING,
    TestSessionState_pb2.TEST_SESSION_STATE_PAUSED: TestSessionState.PAUSED,

[docs] class TestSession: """Represents a test session for a project. Do not create this class directly; instead, use the property :attr:`.Project.test_session`. """ def __init__(self, channel: Channel, raise_if_application_closed: Callable[[], None]) -> None: self._channel = channel self._raise_if_application_closed = raise_if_application_closed
[docs] def add_note(self, note: str) -> None: """Add a note to the current log file. This method requires the test session to be in the :attr:`.TestSessionState.RUNNING` state. Args: note: The note to add to the log file. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if the test session is not in the :attr:`.TestSessionState.RUNNING` state, or if adding the note fails. """ stub = TestSession_pb2_grpc.TestSessionStub(self._channel) try: stub.AddNote(TestSession_pb2.AddNoteRequest(note=note)) except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to add note") from error
@property def state(self) -> TestSessionState: """Get the current state of the test session. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if getting the current state fails. """ self._raise_if_application_closed() stub = TestSession_pb2_grpc.TestSessionStub(self._channel) try: get_test_session_state_response = stub.GetState( TestSession_pb2.GetTestSessionStateRequest() ) state = STATE_MAP.get(get_test_session_state_response.test_session_state) if state is None: raise RuntimeError("The test session is in an undefined state.") return state except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to get test session state") from error
[docs] def start(self) -> bool: """Start the test session, if possible. Returns: True if the test was started, otherwise False. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if starting the test session fails. """ stub = TestSession_pb2_grpc.TestSessionStub(self._channel) try: start_test_session_response = stub.Start(TestSession_pb2.StartTestSessionRequest()) return start_test_session_response.test_session_started except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to start test session") from error
[docs] def stop(self) -> bool: """Stop the test session, if possible. Returns: True if the test was stopped, otherwise False. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if stopping the test session fails. """ stub = TestSession_pb2_grpc.TestSessionStub(self._channel) try: stop_test_session_response = stub.Stop(TestSession_pb2.StopTestSessionRequest()) return stop_test_session_response.test_session_stopped except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to stop test session") from error
[docs] def pause(self) -> bool: """Pauses the test session, if possible. Returns: True if the test was paused, otherwise False. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if pausing the test session fails. """ stub = TestSession_pb2_grpc.TestSessionStub(self._channel) try: pause_test_session_response = stub.Pause(TestSession_pb2.PauseTestSessionRequest()) return pause_test_session_response.test_session_paused except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to pause test session") from error
[docs] def resume(self) -> bool: """Resumes the test session, if possible. Returns: True if the test was resumed, otherwise False. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if resuming the test session fails. """ stub = TestSession_pb2_grpc.TestSessionStub(self._channel) try: resume_test_session_response = stub.Resume(TestSession_pb2.ResumeTestSessionRequest()) return resume_test_session_response.test_session_resumed except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to resume test session") from error
@property def elapsed_test_time(self) -> timedelta: """Queries the elapsed test time Returns: The current tests's elapsed time if a test is running or paused, the most recent test's elapsed time if a test has been run and stopped. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if no test has ever been run since the project was loaded """ stub = TestSession_pb2_grpc.TestSessionStub(self._channel) try: get_elapsed_test_time_response = stub.GetElapsedTestTime( TestSession_pb2.GetElapsedTestTimeRequest() ) return timedelta(seconds=get_elapsed_test_time_response.elapsed_test_time) except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to query elapsed test time") from error