Source code for flexlogger.automation._project

import os.path
import pathlib
from typing import Callable
from typing import Optional

from google.protobuf import empty_pb2
from grpc import Channel, RpcError

from ._channel_specification_document import ChannelSpecificationDocument
from ._flexlogger_error import FlexLoggerError
from ._logging_specification_document import LoggingSpecificationDocument
from ._screen_document import ScreenDocument
from ._test_session import TestSession
from ._test_specification_document import TestSpecificationDocument
from .proto import (
    Project_pb2,  # type: ignore
    Project_pb2_grpc,  # type: ignore
from .proto.Identifiers_pb2 import ProjectIdentifier

[docs] class Project: """Represents a FlexLogger project. Do not create this class directly; instead, use the return value of :meth:`.Application.open_project`. """ def __init__( self, channel: Channel, raise_if_application_closed: Callable[[], None], identifier: ProjectIdentifier, ) -> None: self._channel = channel self._raise_if_application_closed = raise_if_application_closed self._identifier = identifier self._test_session = TestSession(self._channel, raise_if_application_closed)
[docs] def open_channel_specification_document(self) -> ChannelSpecificationDocument: """Open the channel specification document in the project. Returns: The opened document. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if opening the document fails. """ stub = Project_pb2_grpc.ProjectStub(self._channel) try: response = stub.OpenChannelSpecificationDocument( Project_pb2.OpenChannelSpecificationDocumentRequest(project=self._identifier) ) return ChannelSpecificationDocument( self._channel, self._raise_if_application_closed, response.document_identifier ) except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to open channel specification document") from error
[docs] def open_logging_specification_document(self) -> LoggingSpecificationDocument: """Open the logging specification document in the project. Returns: The opened document. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if opening the document fails. """ stub = Project_pb2_grpc.ProjectStub(self._channel) try: response = stub.OpenLoggingSpecificationDocument( Project_pb2.OpenLoggingSpecificationDocumentRequest(project=self._identifier) ) return LoggingSpecificationDocument( self._channel, self._raise_if_application_closed, response.document_identifier ) except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to open logging specification document") from error
[docs] def open_screen_document(self, filename: str) -> ScreenDocument: """Open the specified screen document in the project. Args: filename: The name of the screen document to open. Including the .flxscr extension in this argument is optional. Returns: The opened document. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if a screen document of the specified name does not exist, or if opening the document fails. """ stub = Project_pb2_grpc.ProjectStub(self._channel) try: response = stub.OpenScreenDocument( Project_pb2.OpenScreenDocumentRequest( project=self._identifier, screen_name=filename ) ) return ScreenDocument( self._channel, self._raise_if_application_closed, response.document_identifier ) except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to open screen document") from error
[docs] def open_test_specification_document(self) -> TestSpecificationDocument: """Open the test specification document in the project. Returns: The opened document. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if opening the document fails. """ stub = Project_pb2_grpc.ProjectStub(self._channel) try: response = stub.OpenTestSpecificationDocument( Project_pb2.OpenTestSpecificationDocumentRequest(project=self._identifier) ) return TestSpecificationDocument( self._channel, self._raise_if_application_closed, response.document_identifier ) except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to open test specification document") from error
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the project. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if closing the project fails. """ stub = Project_pb2_grpc.ProjectStub(self._channel) try: stub.Close(Project_pb2.CloseProjectRequest(allow_prompts=False)) except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to close project") from error
[docs] def save(self) -> None: """Save the project. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if saving the project fails due to a communication error. If there is no communication error with the FlexLogger application, this function will not raise an exception, but instead return a boolean indicating if the project was properly saved. """ stub = Project_pb2_grpc.ProjectStub(self._channel) try: stub.Save(empty_pb2.Empty()) except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to save project") from error
@property def test_session(self) -> TestSession: """Get the test session for the project.""" return self._test_session @property def project_file_path(self) -> Optional[pathlib.Path]: """Get the project file path on disk Returns: The saved project file path if it exists, None otherwise """ stub = Project_pb2_grpc.ProjectStub(self._channel) try: response = stub.GetProjectFilePath( Project_pb2.GetProjectFilePathRequest(project=self._identifier) ) # return a Path() if the returned path is not empty, otherwise return None # pathlib.Path() treats empty string as "current directory" which could be confusing return pathlib.Path(response.project_file_path) if response.project_file_path else None except (RpcError, ValueError) as error: self._raise_if_application_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to get project file path") from error @property def project_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get the project name Returns: The project name if the file path exists, None otherwise """ project_path = self.project_file_path return os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(project_path)[0])