Source code for flexlogger.automation._application

from google.protobuf import empty_pb2
import mmap
import os
import re
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import uuid
from datetime import timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from socket import SOCK_STREAM
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union

# Do not import anything from win32api here (instead, import them in the
# methods they're needed in). Linux machines need to be able to import our
# module so buildthedocs will be able to use automodule correctly to generate
# our API Reference documentation.
import psutil  # type: ignore
from grpc import insecure_channel, RpcError

from ._events import FlexLoggerEventHandler
from ._flexlogger_error import FlexLoggerError
from ._project import Project
from .proto import (
    Application_pb2,  # type: ignore
    Application_pb2_grpc,  # type: ignore
    FlexLoggerApplication_pb2,  # type: ignore
    FlexLoggerApplication_pb2_grpc,  # type: ignore

_FLEXLOGGER_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH = r"SOFTWARE\National Instruments\FlexLogger"
_FLEXLOGGER_EXE_NAME = "FlexLogger.exe"
_FLEXLOGGER_PORT_FILE_PATH = Path(r"National Instruments\FlexLogger\LastAutomationPort.txt")

[docs] class Application: """Represents the FlexLogger application."""
[docs] def __init__(self, server_port: int = None) -> None: """Connect to an already running instance of FlexLogger. Args: server_port: The port that the automation server is listening to. Omit this argument or pass None to detect the port of a running FlexLogger automatically. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if connecting fails. """ Application._raise_if_unsupported_platform() self._server_port = server_port if server_port is not None else self._detect_server_port() self._connect() self._launched = False self._event_handler = None self._client_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
def __enter__(self) -> "Application": return self def __exit__(self, exc_type: Any, exc_val: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None: # Only exit the application if this was created with Application.launch() # If the user wants to override this behavior they can call close() # or disconnect() explicitly. self._disconnect(exit_application=self._launched) @property def event_handler(self) -> FlexLoggerEventHandler: """The application event handler.""" if self._event_handler is not None: return self._event_handler self._event_handler = FlexLoggerEventHandler(self._channel, self._client_id, self, self._raise_exception_if_closed) return self._event_handler @property def server_port(self) -> int: """The port that the automation server is listening to.""" return self._server_port
[docs] @classmethod def launch(cls, *, timeout: float = 40, path: Union[str, Path] = None) -> "Application": """Launch a new instance of FlexLogger. Note that if this method is used to initialize a "with" statement, when the Application goes out of scope FlexLogger will be closed. To prevent this, call :meth:`~.Application.disconnect()`. Args: timeout: The length of time, in seconds, to wait for FlexLogger to launch before raising an exception. Defaults to 40. path: The path to the FlexLogger executable to launch. Defaults to None, meaning the latest installed version will be launched. Returns: The created Application object Raises: FlexLoggerError: if launching FlexLogger or connecting to it fails. """ Application._raise_if_unsupported_platform() if isinstance(path, str): path = Path(path) server_port = Application._launch_flexlogger(timeout_in_seconds=timeout, path=path) application = Application(server_port=server_port) application._launched = True return application
[docs] def close(self) -> None: """Close the application and disconnect from the automation server. Further calls to this object will fail. """ self._disconnect(exit_application=True)
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """Disconnect from the automation server, but leave the application running. Further calls to this object will fail. """ self._disconnect(exit_application=False)
@classmethod def _raise_if_unsupported_platform(cls) -> None: if sys.maxsize != 2 ** 63 - 1: raise FlexLoggerError("This API only supports 64-bit versions of Python.") def _connect(self) -> None: if self._server_port <= 0: raise ValueError("Tried to connect to invalid port number %d" % self._server_port) try: self._channel = insecure_channel("localhost:%d" % self._server_port) except RpcError as error: raise FlexLoggerError( 'Failed to connect to FlexLogger. Ensure the "Automation server" preference is ' "enabled in the application. " ) from error def _disconnect(self, exit_application: bool) -> None: if self._channel is not None: stub = Application_pb2_grpc.ApplicationStub(self._channel) pid_to_wait_for = None if exit_application: # Find the application that's using this port pid_candidates = set( for x in psutil.net_connections() if x.type == SOCK_STREAM and x.laddr[1] == self._server_port and != os.getpid() ) for pid in pid_candidates: if psutil.Process(pid).name().lower() == _FLEXLOGGER_EXE_NAME.lower(): pid_to_wait_for = pid break try: if exit_application: # If there is an active project, close it so closing the # app won't prompt to save it. active_project = self.get_active_project() if active_project is not None: active_project.close() stub.Disconnect( Application_pb2.DisconnectRequest(exit_application=exit_application) ) if pid_to_wait_for is not None: # Wait 60 seconds for the process to exit timeout_end_time = time.time() + _APP_CLOSE_TIMEOUT process_still_running = True while time.time() < timeout_end_time and process_still_running: # Only wait for 200 ms at a time so we can still be responsive to Ctrl-C time.sleep(0.2) try: # This will raise an exception if the process doesn't exist. # But it's also possible the PID has been reused, so see if # the name is the same. process_still_running = ( psutil.Process(pid_to_wait_for).name().lower() == _FLEXLOGGER_EXE_NAME.lower() ) except psutil.Error: process_still_running = False except (RpcError, ValueError, AttributeError) as rpc_error: self._raise_exception_if_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to disconnect") from rpc_error finally: self._channel.close() self._channel = None self._event_handler = None def _raise_exception_if_closed(self) -> None: if self._channel is None: raise FlexLoggerError("Application has already been disconnected") from None
[docs] def open_project(self, path: Union[str, Path], timeout: int = -1) -> Project: """Open a project. Args: path: The path to the project you want to open. timeout: The timeout in seconds. If the value is negative, it will be ignored and the call will wait indefinitely. Returns: The opened project. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if opening the project fails or the timeout is reached. """ try: stub = FlexLoggerApplication_pb2_grpc.FlexLoggerApplicationStub(self._channel) if timeout < 0: response = stub.OpenProject( FlexLoggerApplication_pb2.OpenProjectRequest(project_path=str(path))) else: response = stub.OpenProject( FlexLoggerApplication_pb2.OpenProjectRequest(project_path=str(path)), timeout=timeout) # FlexLogger can hang if you open and then immediately close a project, # this seems sufficient to prevent that. time.sleep(1.0) return Project(self._channel, self._raise_exception_if_closed, response.project) # For most methods, catching ValueError is sufficient to detect whether the Application # has been closed, and avoids race conditions where another thread closes the Application # in the middle of the first thread's call. # # This method passes self._channel directly to a stub, and this raises an AttributeError # if self._channel is None, so catch this as well. except (RpcError, ValueError, AttributeError) as rpc_error: self._raise_exception_if_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to open project") from rpc_error
[docs] def get_active_project(self) -> Optional[Project]: """Gets the currently active (open) project. Returns: The active project, or None if a project is not currently open. Raises: FlexLoggerError: if getting the active project fails. """ try: stub = FlexLoggerApplication_pb2_grpc.FlexLoggerApplicationStub(self._channel) response = stub.GetActiveProject(FlexLoggerApplication_pb2.GetActiveProjectRequest()) if response.active_project_available: return Project(self._channel, self._raise_exception_if_closed, response.project) else: return None # For most methods, catching ValueError is sufficient to detect whether the Application # has been closed, and avoids race conditions where another thread closes the Application # in the middle of the first thread's call. # # This method passes self._channel directly to a stub, and this raises an AttributeError # if self._channel is None, so catch this as well. except (RpcError, ValueError, AttributeError) as rpc_error: self._raise_exception_if_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to get the active project") from rpc_error
[docs] def get_version(self) -> (str, str): """Gets the FlexLogger server version. Returns: A tuple containing the FlexLogger versions (internal version and user visible version). Raises: FlexLoggerError: if getting the version fails. """ try: stub = FlexLoggerApplication_pb2_grpc.FlexLoggerApplicationStub(self._channel) response = stub.GetVersion(empty_pb2.Empty()) return response.version, response.version_string # For most methods, catching ValueError is sufficient to detect whether the Application # has been closed, and avoids race conditions where another thread closes the Application # in the middle of the first thread's call. # # This method passes self._channel directly to a stub, and this raises an AttributeError # if self._channel is None, so catch this as well. except (RpcError, ValueError, AttributeError) as rpc_error: self._raise_exception_if_closed() raise FlexLoggerError("Failed to get version") from rpc_error
@classmethod def _launch_flexlogger(cls, timeout_in_seconds: float, path: Optional[Path] = None) -> int: import win32api # type: ignore import win32event # type: ignore if path is not None and not".exe"): path = path / _FLEXLOGGER_EXE_NAME if path is None: path = cls._get_latest_installed_flexlogger_path() if path is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not determine latest installed path of FlexLogger") event_name = uuid.uuid4().hex mapped_name = uuid.uuid4().hex event = win32event.CreateEvent(None, 0, 0, event_name) args = [str(path)] args += [ "-mappedFileIsReadyEventName=" + event_name, "-mappedFileName=" + mapped_name, ] args += ["-enableAutomationServer"] try: subprocess.Popen(args) timeout_end_time = time.time() + timeout_in_seconds while True: # Only wait for 200 ms at a time so we can still be responsive to Ctrl-C object_signaled = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(event, 200) if object_signaled == 0: return cls._read_int_from_mmap(mapped_name) elif object_signaled != win32event.WAIT_TIMEOUT: raise RuntimeError( "Internal error waiting for FlexLogger to launch. Error code %d" % object_signaled ) if time.time() >= timeout_end_time: raise RuntimeError( "Timed out waiting for FlexLogger to launch. This might mean an " "instance of FlexLogger was already running." ) finally: win32api.CloseHandle(event) @classmethod def _get_server_port_file_path(cls) -> Path: from import shell, shellcon # type: ignore program_data_path = Path(shell.SHGetFolderPath(0, shellcon.CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, 0, 0)) return program_data_path / _FLEXLOGGER_PORT_FILE_PATH def _detect_server_port(self) -> int: """Detect the server_port of a running FlexLogger.""" port_file_path = Application._get_server_port_file_path() if not port_file_path.exists(): raise RuntimeError( "No running FlexLogger detected. If FlexLogger is running, this might mean the " "automation server is not enabled. To turn on the automation server, see the " "General tab of the Preferences in FlexLogger." ) try: with open(str(port_file_path), "r") as f: text = return int(text) except Exception as ex: raise RuntimeError("Failed to read automation port from running FlexLogger.") from ex @classmethod def _get_latest_installed_flexlogger_path(cls) -> Optional[Path]: import winreg # type: ignore try: with winreg.OpenKey( winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, _FLEXLOGGER_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH ) as flexLoggerKey: number_of_subkeys = winreg.QueryInfoKey(flexLoggerKey)[0] subkey_names = [winreg.EnumKey(flexLoggerKey, i) for i in range(number_of_subkeys)] # Try the newer "CurrentVerison" subkey first, # then the older version specific subkeys subkey = cls._get_current_version_subkey_name(subkey_names) if subkey is None: subkey = cls._get_latest_subkey_name(subkey_names) if subkey is None: return None with winreg.OpenKey(flexLoggerKey, subkey) as latest_flexLogger_key: return ( Path(winreg.QueryValueEx(latest_flexLogger_key, "Path")[0]) / _FLEXLOGGER_EXE_NAME ) except EnvironmentError: return None @classmethod def _get_current_version_subkey_name(cls, names: List[str]) -> Optional[str]: if "CurrentVersion" in names: return "CurrentVersion" else: return None @classmethod def _get_latest_subkey_name(cls, names: List[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Get the latest version name from the registry key names. >>> Application._get_latest_subkey_name(["1.1", "2.0", "7", "foo"]) '2.0' >>> Application._get_latest_subkey_name(["2.100", "2.9", "2.10", "2.1"]) '2.100' >>> Application._get_latest_subkey_name(["9.2", "10.1", "10.0"]) '10.1' >>> Application._get_latest_subkey_name([]) is None True >>> Application._get_latest_subkey_name(["not real"]) is None True """ major_minor_re = re.compile(r"^(\d+)\.(\d+)") matches = [major_minor_re.match(name) for name in names] sorted_names = sorted( (int(, int(, for match in matches if match is not None ) if len(sorted_names) == 0: return None return sorted_names[-1][2] @classmethod def _read_int_from_mmap(cls, mapped_name: str) -> int: with mmap.mmap(-1, 4, tagname=mapped_name, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) as mapped_file: int_bytes = return struct.unpack("i", int_bytes)[0]